Ordering Closed
Chocolate High Tea at Schokolade Cafe
Saturday, October 17, 2009 |
Schokolade Cafe
2263 E. Hastings, Vancouver
Enjoy a Unique Chocolate High Tea at Schokolade Café between 11am and 5pm; which includes a platter of chocolate petite four, mini chocolate dessert pralines, tea sandwiches, savoury scones and strawberries dipped in chocolate sauce. Top it all off with a Spicy Ancient Aztec chocolate drink or herbal tea.
For further information, email or call 604 939-8068.
All tickets purchased online will be available for pick up 1/2 hour prior to the event start time or to arrange a pick up time prior to the event date email .
Ticket prices include GST.
The West Coast Chocolate Festival welcomes you to transfer tickets to another guest, should you not be able to use them. Transfers are valid right up to the start of the event.
We will also do our best to exchange the tickets for another event should you not be able to use them. Exchanges are valid 48 hours prior to the events. Tickets can not be refunded. Thank you.