Ordering Closed
Baroque Magnificence
Saturday, December 11, 2021 |
Highlands United Church
3255 Edgemont Blvd, North Vancouver, BC V7R 2P1
Celebrate the Christmas season with magnificent music including rarely heard Magnificats: Magnificat à 8 by Monteverdi and Magnificat a 4 in Bb Major by Durante as well as Behold I Bring You Good Tidings by Purcell and Das Neugeboren Kindelein by Buxtehude.
Proof of full vaccination and picture ID required for in person attendance. Programming and COVID-19 protocols subject to change.
If you are unable to attend in person due to illness, please call Miriam at 604-729-6814 or email .
Laudate Singers gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of North Vancouver and the District of North Vancouver through the Arts & Culture Grants Program of the North Vancouver Recreation & Culture Commission, the District of West Vancouver through their community grant programs, the Province of BC, and the Canada Council for the Arts.
Live stream ticket holders: Please note your ticket purchase allows you to watch the concert as often as you like until Dec. 31. Please do not share this link as it is exclusive to ticket holders only. For questions or concerns, contact Miriam at 604-729-6814 or .