Ordering Closed
Korean Consulate in Vancouver proudly presents
Landscape of Korean Traditional Arts by Incheon Metropolitan City Dance Theatre
Thursday, July 6, 2023 |
Queen Elizabeth Theatre - 630 Hamilton St
Vancouver, BC V6B 5N6
Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Korea and Canada, the Korean Consulate in Vancouver proudly presents a special dance performance,
[Landscape of Korean Traditional Arts] by Incheon Metropolitan City Dance Theatre.
This is a free-admission event, and each individual can reserve a maximum of 2 seats.
한-캐수교 60주년 기념 인천시립무용단 특별공연 [춤, 풍경]
공연 관람은 무료이며, 1인당 2인까지 예약 가능합니다.